ID Ocean

Two calls for projects for SME's and mid-caps

Registration is open until 20 March for the sixth Accélérateur PME Bpifranc accelerator programme for SME and until 26 June for the fourth Accélérateur Nouvelle-Aquitaine accelerator programme for SME and mid-caps.

The SME Accelerator from the Bpifrance Public Investment Bank offers 24 months of group and individual support and guidance based on a tailor-made group training programme, individual advice and networking. The main objectives are to identify the growth levers, to develop and build on the skills of the managers and to create a network providing advice and feedback on experience. This support and guidance programme is directed at SME's and mid-caps achieving an annual turnover of between €10 million and €50 million and registration is open until 20 March.

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The call for expressions of interest for the fourth Accélérateur Nouvelle-Aquitaine PME/ETI campaign is open until 26 June. This support and guidance programme lasts 24 months and will involve some twenty companies from all business sectors achieving a consolidated turnover of €5 million or more, which have a production site in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. This support and guidance programme is based on a programme of appraisal of the company, personal advice and training seminars. 

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