Training on Hemp Concrete at Arkinova Business Generator

The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region’s Odéys Cluster for Sustainable Planning and Construction offers a 4-day training course on the know-how and use of hemp – a natural material used in the construction, renovation and restoration of all types of buildings.

Hemp concrete, produced by mixing lime and hemp, is a bio-sourced material. Inspired by age-old techniques, it has many applications in construction in both new and renovated buildings. 

The Odéys Cluster will be running a 4-day training course on hemp concrete project management. The first two dates are March 6th and 7th, followed by two additional days on March 12th and 13th.

Intended for architects, engineers and technicians whether contracting authorities, inspection offices or companies, the course will be an opportunity to learn about the material, master its design and supervision in order to build structures, learn about its production modes and worksite constraints, and lastly, how to adopt a relevant prescriptive approach with all the stakeholders.

Schedule and registration:

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