This private technological resources centre is located in an innovative building.
Its work ranges from applied research to providing innovative services in the areas of sustainable planning, redevelopment, and construction. Made up of a team of 56 employees based in Anglet and Talence, the centre works with building and public works companies, building materials companies, manufacturers, public and private contractors, developers, architects, design offices, and local authorities.
The centre provides tools, processes, and innovative research-based products in order to contribute to energy performance and to environmental quality in the sustainable construction sector. It strikes the right balance between pre-project research to acquire new knowledge, and then transferring this knowledge through applied research contracts or expert consulting.
The centre works on two types of projects:
- Applied research projects conducted in laboratories and research institutes, as well as with private partners
- Technology transfer services with innovative tools and methods transferred to companies and local authorities: Its market intervention includes B2B contracts that contribute to its economic equilibrium. In 2015, Nobatek had over 200 contracts underway and a turnover of 3.8 million euros.

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Laboratory for Applied Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Sciences (SIAME)
Connected to the ISA BTP, the laboratory for Applied Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Sciences (SIAME) is divided into two teams:
- The Mechanics team, who cover the subjects of hydro-mechanical coupling in the ground and in structures, the study of waves and their interaction with structures, and the study of anisothermal multiphase flow.
- The Electrical Engineering team, whose scope covers cold plasma, dielectric environments, high-power electrical pulses and the thermoelectric effect.
The SIAME laboratory is a member of the Isifor Carnot Institute and the IPRA Research Federation that combines mathematics, geosciences, and engineering.
On the theme of sustainable construction, the SIAME laboratory works in particular on the subject of mudbrick. It is also participating in the creation of a 'Sustainable Habitat' research chair and a joint laboratory for SIAME and Nobatek, funded by INEF 4, the New Aquitaine region, and the Basque Coast–Adour Agglomeration.

LFCR : Laboratoire des Fluides Complexes et leurs Réservoirs
Béton huitres / Haloclastie
Institute of Analytical and Physicochemical Sciences for the Environment and Materials (IPREM)
The Institute of analytical and physicochemical sciences for the environment and materials (IPREM) is composed of four research teams focusing on the fundamental disciplines related to analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, the physics and chemistry of polymers, and microbiology.
Its sustainable construction research activities on the Arkinova site are principally carried out by the Physics Chemistry Team, which works in particular on buildings' indoor air quality (using innovative analytical tools to analyse VOCs on-site) as well as on new materials.

LMAP (Laboratory of Mathematics and its Applications)
LMAP, UPPA's laboratory of Applied Mathematics, focuses its research on four areas:
- Probability and statistics: Stochastic modelling, probabilistic analysis, statistical data treatment, and semiparametric and nonparametric inference
- Algebra and geometry: Projective algebraic geometry and small-scale topography
- Analysis of partial differential equations: Linear and non-linear partial differentiation, Optimisation and dynamic systems
- Digital analysis and simulation: Mathematical modelling of physical phenomena: combustion, complex flows, fluid mechanics, porous materials, waves and turbulence, methods of discretization for partial differential equations, methods of approximation and dynamic meshes and scientific computing and high performance computing
LMAP uses its knowledge through the development and use of computational methods in highly varied areas of application such as building.
LIUPPA (IT laboratory of the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour)

LIUPPA is the UPPA IT research laboratory, whose research project has a strong focus on the needs and issues of a digital society in which the internet (internet of things, social networks, etc.), and networks more generally, are increasingly important in our daily lives. Divided into two teams (MOVIES and T2I), LIUPPA is particularly involved in two complementary areas:
- Information technology and sciences: information processing (data, documents, etc.), knowledge and the web
- Software engineering: model-driven engineering, software services and architecture with interdisciplinary concerns linked to security, image/signal processing and visualisation, distributed systems, and interaction and adaptation.
Its research is applied in particular to heritage promotion (production of services for the user, museums 3.0, etc.), agile cities and smart transport (indoor geolocation and associated services, fluid management, energy 2.0, intelligent buildings, etc.), innovative use of data (smart use and application of data taken from buildings) and innovation in education.
CREAH cluster (Construction, Resources, Environment, Sustainable Planning and Housing)
Founded in 2006, the CREAH is the regional cluster for sustainable construction and planning in Aquitaine.
Its main objectives are:
- To support and promote innovation in the construction industry in order to boost the competitiveness of companies.
- To coordinate the Regional Sustainable Construction and Planning study track as a resource centre and a member of the Pro Buildings Environment and Space Network (BEEP).
The themes of environmental performance, renewable energies, waste recycling, natural materials, digital transition (BIM), the circular economy, energy-efficient renovations, eco-construction and the sustainable management of infrastructures are some of the cluster's priority topics.

Projets Structurants
Chaire de recherche architecture et physique urbaine
La chaire architecture et physique urbaine dirigée par Benoît Beckers est portée par l'ISA BTP à Anglet. L'UPPA, le centre de technologie de Nobatek, la région Nouvelle-Aquitaine et la communauté d’agglomération Pays Basque se sont réunis pour créer un "laboratoire commun" qui héberge cette chaire. Actuellement basée sur le campus de Montaury à Anglet, la chaire sera amenée à intégrer le futur bâtiment de l’ISA BTP : ISALAB
Alors que la moitié de l'humanité habite dans les villes, les théories et modèles élaborés jusqu'à présent ne sont plus adaptés car ils ne prennent pas en compte la dimension urbaine. L'objectif de cette chaire est de concevoir des modèles numériques innovants qui prennent en compte non seulement la dimension architecturale, mais aussi le mouvement humain, l'acoustique, la lumière du soleil...
La physique urbaine nécessite une approche interdisciplinaire. La chaire s'appuie sur les capacités du laboratoire SIAME (sciences de l'ingénieur appliquées à la mécanique et le génie électrique), celles du LATEP (laboratoire de l'énergie thermique et des procédés à Pau) et sur l'expérience et l'expertise de Nobatek en construction durable.

Chaire de recherche industrielle DESDM - OpenCEMS
La chaire DESDM – OpenCEMS pour Distributed Energy System Data Management - Connected Environment & Distributed Energy Data Management, est dirigée par Richard Chbeir et est basée sur le campus de Montaury à Anglet. Elle intervient dans le cadre du projet E2S et associe différents partenaires publics et privés : l’UPPA, la Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, l’Agglomération Pays Basque ainsi que Bertin Technologie.
Cette chaire consiste à proposer des solutions logicielles pour les environnements connectés et les systèmes d’énergie distribués. Pour cela, les membres de la chaire travaillent sur le développement d'une plateforme générique ouverte qui pourra s’instancier et s’appliquer dans divers scénarios applicatifs tels que l’énergie, la santé, la gestion des déchets, le tourisme, etc. Une telle plateforme serait un réceptacle à un corpus de données massivement pluridisciplinaire (équipement et objet connecté, consommation, contraintes, etc.), et permettrait de porter des travaux de recherche au long cours.
Plusieurs challenges sont explorés :
- Représentation des données permettant de modéliser fidèlement le système, ses composants et sources de données (documents, capteurs, etc.), les états du système et de ses composants ;
- Conception d’une architecture extensible à base de services permettant de fournir des services d’analyse de données et du système, mais aussi de rajouter d’autres services (soit à partir d’une composition de services existants, ou en y injectant de nouveaux services) ;
- Protection et sécurité pour assurer un pilotage fiable, des transactions sécurisées, et des données protégées.