The Business Generator welcomed the SNEE jury

The allocating committee of National Student-Entrepreneur Status (SNEE in its French acronym) met at the end of June at the Arkinova Business Generator and selected eight student projects on the Basque Coast to enjoy a year’s support for the creation of their businesses.

The Statut National d’Etudiant-Entrepreneur (= National Student-Entrepreneur Status) is aimed at young people under the age of 28 and enables any student or young graduate with at least a baccalaureate-level qualification to develop their business project with some level of security. This status is awarded according to criteria such as realism, the match between the student’s skills and the business project, and the motivation of the project leader.

At the end of June, the Arkinova Business Generator hosted the committee responsible for selecting and awarding requests for National Student-Entrepreneur Status (SNEE) proposed by the University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour. Eight students on the Basque coast have been awarded SNEE status to start next September. They will benefit from both individual and collective support for their project over one year as well as training for the D2E ‘Tools for Enterprise’ university diploma at UPPA, which is compulsory for young graduates and optional for students.

Of these eight new student entrepreneurs, three are young graduates of ESTIA and five are from UPPA. The projects of the eight are in areas related to the environment, professional sport and the digital world, and their status may be renewed for a further year if their project has not been completed. Please note that the next committees for the awarding of SNEE status will be held in October 2020 and January 2021.

For more information: laura.claverie(at)

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