Conference on managing Industry 4.0 projects

The ESTIA engineering school is organising a conference entitled “The Industry 4.0 Project Director: challenges of managing innovative projects”, to take place on 11 June from 5.30 pm to 7 pm (amphitheatre 21, ESTIA building 2).

The conference is being organised within the framework of the Master’s in consulting and engineering in logistics and organisational innovation (“CILIO”, in French) offered jointly by ESTIA and University of Bordeaux.

The CILIO master’s programme trains people to work as consulting engineers and in the fields of organisational-innovation project management, digitalisation and supply chain 4.0 management. Its aim is to train consultants and project managers to be able to take on and run complex projects to do with organisation, physical systems, extended supply chains and information systems.

The conference on 11 June will be chaired by the consultant experts Michel Dubois-Coutant and René Harlouchet, lecturers on the master’s programme. It will discuss subjects relating to the new realities and technological trends (artificial intelligence, big data), and how these are being dealt with by project managers. A debate, together with testimony from a former student of the master’s programme, Ms Karine Simeon – now a weapons engineer – are also planned.

To register to attend, contact Jean Tellechea – email: j.tellechea(at); tel: 05 59 43 84 20

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