Training: Developing the Financial Model for a Business Plan

Estia à Izarbel © Côte Sud Photo
Estia à Izarbel © Côte Sud Photo

The ESTIA Entreprendre training programme is holding a one-day module on Tuesday 15 November 2016. An accounting expert will explain how to prepare the financial tables that are essential for any business plan.


Led by Maxime Savoie, an accounting expert & external auditor, the training is designed to help participants:

- Know and understand the financial tables that are essential for a business plan.

- Translate projects through financial tables.

- Evaluate the company's financial needs.

- Calculate the break-even point for the business.

- Understand the impact of strategic or operational decisions on the business plan.


About the 'Managing an Innovative Company' programme

Inaugurated in July 2016, this programme contains twelve training modules each lasting half a day, a day, or a day and a half. These modules are free for project initiators and creators receiving support from the ESTIA Entreprendre Business Innovation Center, while other participants pay a fee.


Contact Françoise Narbey to enrol: – 05 59 43 85 00

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Estia Recherche

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