Training in raising capital

ESTIA Entreprendre. ©Agglo/V.Biard
ESTIA Entreprendre. ©Agglo/V.Biard

Designed for project initiators, this training course will take place on Thursday 19 January 2017 at the Izarbel technology park.


The training will be conducted by Annabel Dubois, who is responsible for the ‘investor relations’ project for the Nouvelle Aquitaine Agency for Development and Innovation (ADI-NA). She will present all the steps in the capital-raising process, the different types of investors, the impact of new associates joining a company, and how ADI-NA can help with this process.

About the “Managing an innovative company” programme

Inaugurated in July 2016, this programme contains twelve training modules lasting half a day, a day, or a day and a half. These modules are free for project initiators and creators receiving support from the ESTIA Entreprendre Business Innovation Centre; other participants pay a fee.


Register by contacting Françoise Narbey: f.narbey(at) – Tel. 00 33 (0)5 59 43 85 00

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La 9ème édition du salon Studyrama des études supérieures se tiendra samedi 14 janvier 2017 à la Maison des associations de Bayonne. Les formations...

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17 January 2017

ESTIA Open Days

L’école d’ingénieurs installée sur le site technopolitain d’Izarbel ouvre ses portes le samedi le 21 Janvier 2017 de 9h00 à 13h00.

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