A 3D printing service at the Arkinova business generator

Maxime Comminges ©Agglo/V.Biard

The digital modelling room opened last summer at the Arkinova business generator offers the assistance of an engineer from the NOBATEK/INEF4 technology resource centre to help with 3D printing projects.


This digital modelling room has three workstations equipped with business software as well as a hand-held 3D scanner, a fused filament deposit 3D printer and a multi-colour 3D powder printer. Access to this space and its equipment is restricted: users must be accompanied by a team from the Arkinova business generator.

Intended for the use of the business generator residents, other actors on the Arkinova site and interested companies, the digital modelling room is a service offered on the site. This service can be used under different arrangements, but these will always involve accompaniment of users, training in the use of the equipment and the technical assistance of Maxime Comminges, an engineer at the NOBATEK/INEF4 technology resource centre.

Maxime Comminges is in charge of all the technologies available and can provide support for all those wishing to use of the different machines. "When a 3D printing request is made by an industrial firm, an architect, a local authority or a start-up, first of all we work on the project model so as to optimise it based on their needs and the characteristics of the printer. Only then do we launch the printing process," he explains.

"Beyond the provision of services, the idea is always to create a community of people at the business generator who use the tools, train to use them and exchange ideas with each other so as exploit the potential of collaborative innovation projects on our theme," adds Maxime Comminges.

Contact: arkinovatechnopole-paysbasque.fr

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