A “life sciences” computer science degree created at Arkinova

The University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour has just launched a new training programme offering a digital approach to life sciences. This new degree will be offered at the Arkinova site. 

“We created this 3-year post-secondary school training programme to develop environmental and life-science skills. The degree can be followed by a 2-year Master programme to obtain the equivalent of an engineering degree,” explains Ernesto Exposito, a computer science professor at UPPA.

At the beginning of September, 30 students began their first year of training. The degree programme is based on life sciences (understanding the variability of living organisms and interactions within ecosystems) and obtaining basic skills in digital sciences for collecting, storing, and processing significant amounts of information. 

Learn more: https://formation.univ-pau.fr/fr/catalogue/sciences-technologies-sante-STS/licence-12/licence-informatique-program-45-1-2-2/l1-informatique-campus-de-montaury-anglet-subprogram-parcours-informatique-2.html

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