KOMPAÏ robotics is developing its engineering and consulting business

Dedicated to the development of a connected multi-functional physical and cognitive assistance robot by the name of KOMPAÏ created by Vincent Dupourqué, KOMPAÏ robotics also has engineering and consulting activities in mobility.

Vincent Dupourqué, a researcher at the National Research Institute for I.T. and Automation (INRIA) in Paris, worked on projects involving robots for disabled people before setting up Robosoft at the Izarbel Technology Park in Bidart in 1995. His aim was to further his ideas but also to develop robots for the military and industrial sectors .

En 2016, he created KOMPAÏ robotics to dedicate his time to developing a connected multi-functional physical and cognitive assistance robot called KOMPAÏ. Vincent Dupourqué explains: “A first version of Kompaï was designed in 2009 followed by a second version in 2016 and a third market-ready version should be presented this year”.

Ten engineers recruited

Thanks to its expertise in robotics and artificial intelligence, KOMPAÏ robotics was contacted by the Safran Group to collaborate on the Furious project to develop future innovative robot systems to assist combat soldiers in vehicles and on foot.

After that, the University of Mulhouse called on the company’s know-how to develop a driverless utility vehicle. Then the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks, (IFSTTAR) has also solicited KOMPAÏ robotics’ expertise for its automated vehicle projects.

As a result, Vincent Dupourqué divided his company into two divisions: one dedicated to the   KOMPAÏ robot and the other, “Robosoft Consulting”, dedicated to engineering and consulting. The company was established in 2016 with just one engineer and now employs around ten engineers.

Find out more at:kompairobotics.com

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